
Friday, 2 February 2018

Simply Rach - The introduction x

Welcome to my little corner of the web. It has been a long time coming and I finally bit the bullet and started this blog. For those of you that don't know me my name is Rachael and I am from the beautiful emerald isle.

I am so excited to kick off my ninteenth year with something new and exciting. I think it is so important to express yourself and this blog is me doing just that.

My passion in life has always been writing. It was always my way to relax and be creative and unfortunately I didn't pursue that side of myself in University. I always had a dream to become an author or work in some journalism sector of life but my university path took me a different route yet I couldn't be happier. Having a blog will allow me to keep that side of me alive and share my writing with some people that may enjoy it!

If you know me you may know that I have very strong opinions and feel very deeply about certain aspects in todays society. This platform will allow me to speak out about what I feel is important and that really excites me. I think its so important to speak up for what you believe in and although I haven't been a strong advocate for this in the past, my desire for 2018 is to be true to myself and project my voice no matter how small my contribution to society is. I hope some of my blog posts can spark something within you too and give you a thought to take away after every read. I have always been a personal writer, my english teacher could vouch for this also hehe, and here you will for sure find true and personal posts that come straight from the heart.

My inspiration for starting this blog has been my struggle with mental health and my newly found passion for my own physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Mental health is such a huge part of my life and I really feel there is a certain lack in our society when it comes to speaking up about this issue. However I do believe that one day the stigma will eventually be broken down. It is a topic that is very close to my heart and something I am proud to talk about, and although Im just a regular 19 year old girl from the middle of no where, you would never know a blog post could get the conversation going for at least one person!
I think when you go through life and experience something challenging, it is always beneficial to share your story with others. If I could help at least one person with one post that would make me the happiest girl in the world. Its an issue that people seem to walk on eggshells for which I strongly believe should not be the case. One step at a time we can break the stigma!
2017 was the year of harsh lessons and growth for me that shaped me into a whole different person and this platform will allow me to share my journey with my mental wellbeing and will hopefully inspire at least one person to look after their mind, body and soul!

Growing up in a small town I can tell you it is extremely daunting to share my desires and hopes to start a blog. But part of self growth is to ignore the negative comments, your self doubts and fears and move forward. This is something I have always wanted to do and I promised myself in 2018 I would take the step. As a young girl my biggest idols have been bloggers, from Retro Flame's Erika Fox to Zoe Sugg aka ( Zoella ) they have taught me so much over the years and their creativity always inspired me and continues to inspire me on a daily basis. I loved the concept of sharing little pieces of my life and documenting it in little posts. Life is too short to sit back and leave your voice unprojected. If you have a passion, let it consume you and set your soul alight! As the Dr. Seuss quote goes;
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" 

So thats me. Simply Rach. Who knows what my 19th year will bring. I will just have to wait and see.

Rach x 


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